Ok so you’re really good at speaking, your grammar isn’t bad and your vocabulary range is pretty wide too. The problem is, your writing is not as good as the rest of your skills.
The bad news is, there is no shortcut, you have to practise a lot.

The good news is, if you find a good teacher they can really help you achieve your goal and guide you through the path to becoming a better writer and, also, by practising you WILL improve. Guaranteed.
You may think it’s obvious, but the number one rule to become a better writer is to become a better reader. Most people that have troubles writing usually aren’t passionate readers, or at least they don’t often read the type of text they want to master – for example, essays.
“How do I find samples of essays online?” —> here you are https://www.ukessays.com/essays/
Now, essays are just one type of text, as there are even more creative ones like articles or reviews, a totally different kettle of fish.
I suggest you choose one text type and concentrate on that for at least a month, by making sure you write at least two texts a week. This, of course, especially concerns students who are preparing for certifications like FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS or any other type of exam that involves producing at least one piece of writing.
Whatever the text type, in order to manage your time the best way you should always plan your writing. For example, say you have one hour to write an essay, you should spend 5 to 10 minutes planning, then you start writing, you read it again to check it’s coherent and cohesive and spend the last 5 minutes revising it to make sure you made no mistakes – check spelling and punctuation as well!
It may seem like a waste of time but, believe me, you don’t want to stop in the middle of a writing thinking “what did I want to write after this paragraph again?”.
This is a really useful website for you to https://writeandimprove.com, where you can get feedback on your writing.
The good thing about writing practice is that you can really see your progress by looking back at the writing you did at the beginning of your journey. It’s a real confidence booster!
Hope this was useful,
take care
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